Mixed Results
By Editor at May 15, 2024 | 8:30 am | Print
At the public hearing Tuesday night at least half of residents asked for a tax increase. Although this may sound serious, in fact there were only six people who spoke. The reason so few came out most likely was because most residents are happy with the budget.
No one should be alarmed that people wanted a tax increase. This should not mean the Council automatically raises taxes.
While it is disturbing that only six people thought the budget was important enough to come to the meeting, they are truly not the majority.
Previous articles in the City Journal have had most residents in favor of the budget and happy there is no tax increase. Who can afford a rise in taxes right now?
Residents need to understand it is important to take part in the processes of the City. People should not only come out when they oppose something. It is important to get your voice heard when you approve of something as well.
It is very upsetting that more people do not seem to care or want to take the time to be involved in what happens in this City.
A little thing like speaking at one public hearing can make a difference. Councilmen were there to listen. They will help decide what happens now with the budget using resident input.
Whether you are in favor of the budget or not, it your responsibility in the next six weeks to let Council members know. Council phone numbers are on the City website. Pick up a phone and give one a call. Tell them your feelings. You may be surprised to see that a small five minute conversation can make a difference.
Do your part and get involved. Don’t let six people decide your future.