Budget Just Beginning
By Robin Vinci | Editor at May 14, 2024 | 6:30 pm | Print
Council Members to Take Long Look At Budget
After listening to only six people speak during the public hearing on the budget Tuesday night, Council members said they have a lot to look into before approving the budget.
Mayor Erin E. Stewart presented her budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016 at a special meeting of the Common Council April 16. The Mayor’s proposed budget calls for a total of $224,757,851 in expenditures. It does not contain an increase in the tax rate, which she proposed to stay stable at 49 mills.
During the public hearing several people asked for a tax increase.
“I think it’s great it’s a balanced budget, but I perceive we are better off increasing the budget 2 or 3 mills a year,” said Gary Robinson. “People will not be that upset. Everything else goes up. A minor increase is good.”
“The proposed budget provides flat funding for our schools. Flat funding will mean reductions to the board of education,” said Beth Mazadoorian. “Multiple years of flat funding have meant larger class sizes for our children.”
“I am disturbed and worried about this year’s budget,’ said Ann Speyer. “When I look at the proposal the flat funding for the school district, I am horrified at the ramifications of what that will mean.”
Alderman Willie Pabon said he agrees with these residents.
“I think we should do a half mill increase in the taxes, because next year we will be hit,” said Pabon.
“I need to review what everyone said and take it all into consideration,” said Alderman Robert Smedley. “I am surprised people are still asking for a tax increase.”
Alderman Tonilynn Collins said she thinks this year is going to be a difficult process adding “this year it will be even more difficult.”
Alderman Donald DeFronzo said it is very early in the process and much still needs to be done.
“I think we are at the initial stages of process and we have to get a lot of information,” DeFronzo said. “We have to talk to the finance department and department heads to see what their projections and issues are. We are at initials stages and will do a lot of work in the next 6 weeks or so.”
Alderman Michael Trueworthy agreed saying there needs to be a lot of conversation with the finance department.
“There was more money proposed by the finance department and there are payments that are needed to be done. The decrease in the contribution and medical self insurance fund has had a deficit running the last 4 or 5 years,” said Trueworthy. “The difference between the board of finance proposal was an 19 percent increase and a 9.3 mill increase. To get to zero was $25 million or so. It didn’t just happen or disappear. These are big numbers and there are 6 or 7 things that are multi-million numbers. We need to see where numbers came from.”
In her budget presentation, the Mayor credited savings in several areas as the primary reasons the tax rate was able to remain stable, including newly renegotiated health care rates with Anthem, successful negotiations on new labor contracts, increased enforcement of existing laws, and restructuring the City’s debt obligations.
Alderman Suzanne Bielinski said she was concerned to find out more about what is happening at the cricket field at Walnut Hill Park.
Jessica Angela Julien spoke in favor of renovating the cricket field.
“I think we should look into the cricket field. This was brought up previously and I thought money was put aside for it,” said Bielinski. “We will look and see where it is in the plans and have to put it back on.”
Alderman Daniel Salerno was concerned by the low number of people that turned out to speak.
“I’m expecting coffee for open government on Saturday has more people than turned out for the budget hearing,” Salerno said.
“Not a lot of people come out when there is not a tax increase,” added Bielinski.
Also speaking at the meeting was Mario Santos who asked for more money for the Berlitas Senior Center.
The Council will now work on the budget and has to make a final adoption before June 15.