Editor’s Note 3/6/2024

By at March 6, 2024 | 9:00 am | Print

If you were looking for a New Britain City Journal last week, I apologize. We had none. I had to attend a conference and was unable to produce a newspaper. We are not going anywhere and are sorry for the glitch.

I did get a few people who told me they were frustrated going from store to store and box to box looking for a paper. Next time I will try to make a statement in advance.

I am glad to be back this week.

I first want to talk about Main St. USA. This event is not definitely taking place so I don’t want everyone to get too excited. If it does happen, we will have a big announcement on it. I thought it was interesting to let people know it was a possibility. Everyone on our Facbook group was discussing it so I wanted to let the public know it may return.

I loved the event and hope there is money to have it. If the price is too high for the City, I understand that it will not be possible. In difficult budget times it is a tough call. I’m sure Mayor Erin Stewart, once checking out all the options, will make the best call for the City.

I know I used to enjoy the event very much and would love to participate in some way. I’m sure if you want to donate towards a fund for the event, your money would be appreciated. I would call the Mayor’s Office if you want to make a donation.

I promised a few weeks ago to stop talking about the weather so I won’t. But, I want to remind everyone that clocks “Spring Ahead” this weekend. That must mean Spring is around the corner. Maybe, it’s not close enough, but have faith. It will arrive eventually.

I also did want to tell a few of you that had questions that indeed I have joined up with SolarCity. If you are interested in solar panels at no cost to you, all you have to do is contact me. I will help you directly, because first, I love saving people money and second, it is the right thing to do for the environment.

I have them on my house and I think they look fabulous. My next seminar is March 26 at Central Pizza in Berlin at 6 p.m. Please come and bring your electric bill so I can see how much I can save you. Please tell everyone you know and of course pizza and soft drinks are on me.

My joke this week is very true.

“Be sure when you blindly follow the masses, because sometimes the M is silent.”

Until next week, be your own person and do the right thing and not the easy thing. Also keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!


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