Legal Fees Outlined

By at February 19, 2024 | 6:30 pm | Print

Report Shows O’Brien Administration Spent More

A report from City Attorney Gennaro Bizzarro, at the request of Democratic Alderman David DeFronzo, shows Republican Mayor Erin Stewart has spent less on legal fees than Former Mayor Tim O’Brien.

Last month at a Council meeting, DeFronzo requested from the City a list of all outsourced legal work since Jan. 1, 2014.

Bizzarro made up that list showing the City has used less than half of the legal fees used in 2014 than when O’Brien was in office.

DeFronzo’s request followed the use of the City hiring outside attorneys for a recent complaint against Democratic Alderman Suzanne Bielinski for hiring her niece Jessica Gerratana as Council Secretary,

Bielinski was initially asked to pay $2,500 to the City and be removed from the Council for her actions. After the City hired outside legal services, Bielinski was allowed to stay on the Council and pay a fine of $250. Gerratana was ordered to be removed, but has returned following a court order.

DeFronzo said although the request was brought up because of the Bielinksi case, it was interesting to see the details of how much the administration spent for specific legal expertise.

“We have been hearing a lot about outside attorney costs,” said DeFronzo. “I thought it might make financial sense to hire another attorney. Given the numbers it doesn’t seem necessary.”

According to Bizzarro, the City has used about $96,000 for outside legal service since 2014.

From July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2013, O’Brien spent over $216,000 for outside legal work as well as an additional $100,000 to hire Global Strategies Group (GSG).

GSG was hired, according to the O’Brien administration, to negate information being released by New Britain landlords. The contract between O’Brien and GSG was done without the Common Council consent and without competing bids which goes against the City charter.

The funding of GSG has resulted in an ongoing lawsuit by the current administration in which the City is requesting a report on how the $100,000 was spent. GSG has refused to show any information regarding the spending of the funds.

Of the $95,754 spent in the last year under Mayor Erin Stewart, $46,867 (49 percent of the costs) are for open invoices “pertaining to engagements commenced and work substantially completed prior” to Bizzarro’s being named City Attorney and Stewart becoming Mayor.

Work paid for by the current administration due to the O’Brien administration includes:

• The hiring of Updike, Kelley and Spellacy at $13,564 to represent the City in a lawsuit filed by LTC Construction. The current Corporation resolved the case.

• Hiring Attorney Michael Carrier for a proposed sale at 285 Arch St. for a cost of $1,897.

• Hiring Attorney Seth Feigenbaum at a cost of $2,587 for work on the Costco Project.

Costs in 2014 under Mayor Stewart includes:

• Hiring Attorney Kenneth Slater for $1,072 for environmental matters

• Hiring Attorneys Alexandria Voccio and Joseph McQuade for $3,125 in a pending matter of Raspardo et al v city of New Britain

• Hiring the lawfirm of Harriet & George for $27,800 to represent the City in negotiations with Local 992 (Fire Union)

• And finally, $11,714 for the hiring of Murtha Culina to represent the City and the Civil Services Commission following the investigation into Gerratana and Bielinski.

This report was given to Council and released at the Feb. 11 meeting.

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