Editor’s Note 2/13/15

By at February 13, 2024 | 8:30 am | Print

This past week I went to the Talent Show at HALS. It was a lot of fun. New Britain kids sure are talented in so many ways.

Did you see this week’s Facebook question in our group. It was amazing how many people didn’t realize New Britain had so much to offer. As people kept posting their ideas on New Britain’s assets, it became clear that the City is full of great people, events and culture.

I think people came to appreciate how great New Britain really is. It’s easy to complain about any City, but once you take a closer look at it, you realize it is fantastic. Please read the page one story to see some of the ideas people came up with.

There were even a few great things left out because there are too many to name.

So what are your feelings about someone buying the Berkowitz Building? Do you think it will happen this time? I personally think all systems are go.

This weekend is Valentine’s Day. I have mixed feelings on this day. For those that are coupled it is fun, but it is unnecessarily sad for those who are single. Those who are single should not get depressed. It is a day to find love, to remember those you’ve loved and to look forward to the future.

My biggest dislike of it though is expectations of gifts. What is wrong with just a box of chocolates and dinner? I like home made cards or letters with a person’s feelings and not a $5 Hallmark card that will be tossed out.

To me it should be a personal holiday and not about big gifts. Leave that for Christmas.

And families should celebrate it together. It should be about love and not just the love of your life, but everyone you love.

It’s a fun day to break up the dull cold weather, but it isn’t one that should be taken too seriously.

It still seems like snow it the topic everyone can’t stop talking about. I am just thankful it is not bad as a few years ago when we had roofs caving in and really nowhere to put snow. I just hope that does not start happening again this year.

And remember to shovel out the fire hydrants. It could save a life.

The funny joke I found on Facebook this week is on t-shirts. And you have to be a Patriots fan to like it.

“The Butler did it with a pick in the end zone.”

Yes. I am still excited New England won the Superbowl.

Until next week become a Pats fan and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!


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