Iwo Jima Memorial Historical Foundation Plans Series of Events

By at February 13, 2024 | 9:45 am | Print

Iwo Jima – it is a name that for 70 years has had significant meaning in American memories. As the bloodiest and fiercest battle of World War II, it represents the resolve and sacrifice of not only the men who fought in that battle, but of an entire generation. Most of us have seen in person or in photographs the United States Marine Corps War Memorial (also known as the Iwo Jima Memorial) at Arlington National Cemetery. This memorial is an example of how the Iwo Jima experience has in part defined the role of the Marine Corps in defending our nation. So what of the Iwo Jima memorial located here on the New Britain-Newington line? Similar in design to the national monument, the National Iwo Jima Memorial Monument is dedicated to all of the U.S. servicemen who died in the Battle of Iwo Jima. Dedicated on the fiftieth anniversary of the battle and built by Iwo Jima survivors and their families, the monument includes inscriptions of the 100 Connecticut men who died at Iwo Jima. The monument even incorporates rocks and sand brought here from Iwo Jima. The Iwo Jima Memorial Historical Foundation, Inc. currently administers the memorial and hosts a number of activities there and elsewhere throughout the year.

As of late, while survivors of the Battle of Iwo Jima dwindle in numbers, the foundation has been increasingly incorporating activities honoring survivors of all our nation’s military campaigns. New Britain is extremely fortunate to have a monument and park of national significance, and a nonprofit group to preserve the memorial and bring public programs to the city. Even if the land is shared with Newington, this important memorial makes New Britain a focal point for Iwo Jima remembrances. And as the Foundation evolves in its focus, the park will increasingly become a state hub for Veteran’s functions.

This year is the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima, and the 20th anniversary of the National Iwo Jima Memorial Monument. The Iwo Jima Memorial Historical Foundation has planned a series of events to commemorate the battle, honor the survivors, and bring public attention to the foundation and monument. On Feb. 21 – 23, three events are scheduled to take place in New Britain and Newington. The Iwo Jima Memorial Historical Foundation Corporate Sponsorship Reception will take place on Feb. 21 at noon at the Indian Hill Country Club in Newington. This event will feature a light buffet, sponsorship awards, a Year-in-Review presentation, and memorabilia display. Call Ray Carrier for tickets and more information at 203-758-3865. The New Britain Historical Society will host a commemoration event at the New Britain Police Station Community Room on Feb. 22 at 3 p.m. This event is free to the public and features a presentation and display of memorabilia. Finally, the Flag Raising Ceremony will take place on Monday, Feb. y 23 at the Iwo Jima Memorial Park. This is another free event that will take place at 10 a.m. and include a display of memorabilia.


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