Editor’s Note 2/6/15

By at February 6, 2024 | 4:18 pm | Print

I hate to sound like a broken record (which anyone under 25 may not really understand) but did I mention I was sick of snow? It is nice around the holidays. It is even okay during January. But I want it to disappear in the next three weeks. By March 1, it all needs to go away.

There still is time for a couple of flurries and maybe 3 inches. But more than that is not needed. I bet most of you agree with me.

Did you see the grand list? It is yet another good sign that the City is moving in a positive direction. Last year every story I wrote about City finances was horrid. It is so nice to finally see positives out there.

New businesses are moving in and I am excited to see Jake’s Wayback Burgers on East St. near Dollar General coming. It would be nice to see some big name restaurants in our City. We have a good number of pizza places and local dining establishments that we are proud of in the City. The national chains seem to bring a certain notoriety we have been missing. You will still catch me eating at Roma’s, Angelico’s, Max Pizza II, Riley’s Hot Dogs and more, but an additional restaurant is worth stopping by for in the City. It brings in those from other towns.

I really wish a restaurant like TGIF’s or Outback were located at the NewBritain Plaza instead of Taco Bell. Nothing against Taco Bell, it just seems like a perfect spot for a fancier restaurant and not take out food.

Do I really have to say which mayor made that great decision?

Did you see the new solar panels on the schools? Yes. It was done by SolarCity. They look wonderful and will save the City a bundle of needed funds. Did I mention they could save you money on your home too if you get them?

The Board of Education changed very little in the Superintendent’s proposed budget. I highly doubt they will get much if any of an increase from the City side. Maybe, once new businesses come in there will be more money for the schools.

Time for my Facebook joke of the week which many people tell me they watch for.

“Love is waking up next to your spouse and thinking I could easily smother them with that pillow or make breakfast. And then, deciding to make pancakes.”

Sounds like a loving choice.

Until next week remember to make breakfast and keep reading New Britain’s #1 Most Trusted Newspaper!


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