Editor’s Note 1/30/2015
By Editor at January 30, 2024 | 8:15 am | Print
We were able to escape the brutality of winter for awhile, but it sure arrived in full force in the last week. A few inches of snow followed by a blizzard, means winter is here in all its full glory.
I was glad we only got a foot or so of snow from Blizzard Juno or Colbie or whatever it is called. And not losing power was fantastic. I had nightmares of Halloween a few years ago. I did not want to go through that again.
We all were spared a storm that could have been catastrophic. Hopefully, there are no big ones on the way for the remainder of this year. We just have to make it through February and then Spring will come soon enough.
I was at Vance Village School last week for the CHET Dream Big opening. It was a lot of fun. The children at the school were delightful and so smart. I would love to see more New Britain children win money for college and attend. Scott Haney, weatherman from WFSB, told the children he did not go to a big expensive college. I believe it is not necessary to spend so much for college that our youth are in debt for the rest of their lives. There are community colleges and Central Connecticut State University so close that students can live at home and save money.
It’s important to go to college and fulfill your dreams. It should not be just for the rich.
But first we need to keep encouraging our youth to finish high school.
Have you gone to Dulces yet for a cupcake? I have not, but I am putting it on my to do list schedule. I sure wish I had a few cupcakes this week as I was stuck in the house with the storm. New businesses continue to come into the City. Please support them. Read page 3 for more.
Also do not miss page 2 for a story about two City residents who were in the Battle of Iwo Jima.
I have a rather different joke from Facebook this week. It is humorous yet thoughtful.
Advice from a tree:
• Stand tall and proud
• Go out on a limb
• Remember your roots
• Drink plenty of water
• Be content with your natural beauty
• And enjoy the view
Maybe if we all listened to tree we would be happier.
Until next week root for the Patriots in the Superbowl and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!