Students Prepare Gift Bags for Overflow Shelter

By at January 16, 2024 | 9:45 am | Print

On Saturday Jan. 10 about 15 HALS Academy and Slade Middle School students along with various volunteers took a few hours off from their busy day to help make gift bags with essential everyday items for those in the New Britain overflow shelters.

Richard Riley Jr., of First Investors, a Foresters Company, has been working on the project for three months.

“If you hold a life insurance policy with Foresters, they give you an opportunity to get grants,” said Riley. “Because I have a policy, I can apply for a couple of grants a year. There is a mission to give back to the community and everybody wins. We are using money for good causes in New Britain.”

Foresters gives much of its profits to groups like the Children’s Miracle Network the Ronald McDonald House and Kaboom, a group which builds intercity playgrounds.

“The rest of the money is community initiatives,” said Riley. “I have been working in the community for over 30 years. i told the company I knew a town that needs a lot of help. I’m hoping to teach others to do this and they can write more grants for the City of New Britain. I love doing it and giving back.”

Leona Clerkin, Principal of HALS, said she liked the idea of helping the homeless shelter.

“I contacted the Mayor’s Office and they told us about the overflow shelter so we set this up,” said Clerkin. “Rick submitted a grant and we got over $2,000. We went shopping at Walmart and they were generous and helped us put the items together.”

In the bags there are items such as shaving cream, shampoo, toothpaste, comb, razors, socks, granola bars, hand sanitizers, Kleenex and chapstick.

Students from HALS and Slade School, under Jim Clerkin, guidance counselor and adviser for the national junior honor society as well as Forester members took part.

Volunteers formed an assembly line and went to each station as if it were Halloween collecting goodies in bags. There were 72 ladies bags and 72 men’s bags created on Saturday.

“They need warm socks and stuff to make them feel nice,” said Clerkin.

Students said it felt good to help those less fortunate in the community.

“Some people don’t always have the things we think are necessary and take for granted,” said Student Volunteer Jamie Kelly.

“I feel that we are doing something to help people because you pass people on the street everyday in the winter and this is our chance to do something for them,” added fellow student Aaliyah Anthony.

Those homeless persons going to the overflow homeless shelter will get the gift bags upon entering.

All volunteers at the event received breakfast and lunch for their services. The event took place at the cafeteria of HALS Middle School.

Foresters purpose is to champion the well being of families through quality life insurance, unique member benefits and inspiring community activities.


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