Editor’s Note 1/9/2023

By at January 9, 2024 | 8:15 am | Print

It was nice to have a week off as we had no newspaper last week. I enjoyed it, but I found I actually like working. It felt funny not to work. It’s great to be back and I am looking forward to a great 6th year in New Britain. Can you believe we have been here that long? Our anniversary will be in May.

I hope you all had a great holiday. My New Year’s Eve always tops off the end of the year with lobster. Fortunately, my lobsters were alive. I found out from Geri in the Mayor’s office that dead lobsters can make you ill. In the future if your lobsters are not alive when it is time to cook them, then return them. There is not reason to take a chance on being ill. Not even for lobster.

Did you all see the article in the New York Times about Mayor Erin Stewart. It was nice to see her and the City get national attention. I did, however, have some issues with the article. There is much more to our Mayor than a pretty young girl looking for a date and having a hard time because she is the Mayor. Couldn’t they have mentioned all the good things she has done for this City? The article was a bit disappointing in that aspect.

On page one we have the Mayor’s Top 5 Goals for 2015. It would be nice to see most of them accomplished although a few need help from others in order to work.

She says the Council is working together for the betterment of the City. I sure hope that is the case. Sometimes, I see division on both sides for no other reason than to be devisive.

Working together is definitely key in moving forward. It’s time to stop taking sides and just do the right thing. I’ve always disliked politics. It should always be about the people and not a party.

I am so glad to see Art in the Heart of the City coming back. It hasn’t been active. It is such a nice event that hopefully brings more people into City Hall. Most people only go to City Hall to pay bills. I had never been to City Hall before I started this paper. If I had, I cannot recall it. Now, I see such interesting reasons to go there such as the historical display and the art on the second floor.

The holidays are over and so are all your excuses. You need to go solar now and start saving money on your electricity bill. Call for an appointment at 860-357-1091. I really can get you solar panels at no cost to you.

My joke for the week from Facebook is

“My idea of a Superbowl is a toilet that cleans itself”

Until next week clean your bowl and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!



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