CSDNB District Highlights – The Holidays Were Here!
By Kate Roy | Communications Specialist, Consolidated School District of New Britain at January 9, 2024 | 8:00 am | Print
December was a busy month for New Britain schools. Holiday concerts, plays and celebrations made December a special month for students and parents alike!
• At Gaffney Elementary School, students participated in “WINGO PINGO” – Writing is Now Going On and Poetry is Now Going On. Classical music was played and students chose a piece of art and wrote a connection/interpretation through poetry or a story.
• Students with autism at both Gaffney School and Slade Middle School have been spending time with therapy dogs.
• At Smalley Academy, the school nurse is working with UNCONN Urban Service Track to help educate students on health issues, such as nutrition and dental health.
• At Smith Elementary School, fifth grade students performed “A Celebration of Peacemakers” with students from Central Connecticut State University.
• At HALS Academy, 49 students who wrote an essay about a book they read were able to duct-tape Mrs. Clerkin to the wall! The stunt was part of HALS’ entry into the Scholastic Book Fair Contest.
• At Pulaski Middle School, the National Junior Honor Society and Student Council sponsored the annual Toys for Toys Toy Drive. Pulaski was able to donate 150 unwrapped presents to be distributed to less fortunate children in the New Britain community.
• At the Satellite Careers Academy, students learned about financial aid for higher education during an assembly with a financial aid expert from Tunxis Community College.