Editor’s Note 12/26/2014
By Editor at December 24, 2023 | 9:15 am | Print
Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Feliz Navidad, Happy Three King’s Day, Happy Chanukah (a bit late sorry) and all the other wishes given out this time of year that I may have missed.
It’s finally the time many of us look forward to all year long. I hope your special time is truly special this year.
In this week’s edition we took a look at the events of 2014. There certainly were a lot of bad things that seemed to happen. None were as shocking as Alderman Michael Trueworthy’s actions, but I do not want to harp on that. It is done and hopefully over with.
Number two was the possible removal of Alderman Suzanne Bielinski. We still need to wait and see how that turns out.
It was shocking to see the Rock Cats announce moving to Hartford. After a freedom of information request we did reveal the decision was made during Mayor Tim O’Brien’s administration as he refused to deal with fixing the grounds.
There were some good things too like the Rose Garden Festival. That was really a fun time. I think it stands out because I wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was. I thought it would be a small event and it really was spectacular.
Go Ape coming to town is a good thing because we need to have more attractions in New Britain. We have excellent arts and museums, but it is nice to have something different. This could be one of the best things for the City or a big flop. I am certainly hoping it succeeds.
Costco finally got moving in 2014 after being stalled for two years by the previous administration. It will bring over 200 jobs next year and can be a boom for business.
In 2014 we saw the President come to town. I have to say that was one of the highlights of my career. He was charismatic just as I imagined. I didn’t meet him personally, but it was amazing to be in the same room with President Barack Obama. It is a day anyone who attended will never forget.
Overall 2014 was definitely memorable. I was glad to bring back some of those memories for you this week.
Each year I truly like to look back at the big events in the City, the world and personally for me. I think it is a great time for reflection for all of us.
Instead of a joke this week I’m going to finish with a quote from Zig Ziglar.
“Long term success only comes after many short term failures.”
Until next year, may our failures be few, and may you all keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Weekly Newspaper!