City Person of the Year
By Robin Vinci | Editor at December 18, 2023 | 6:45 pm | Print
The New Britain City Journal asked their Facebook group members who they thought the New Britain Person of the Year was. There were many good answers with a large number of candidates.
Leading the way was Mayor Erin Stewart who received the most endorsements.
“Mayor Erin Stewart got us on track to get out of a fiscal mess, and restored hope to New Britain,” said Frank Stevens.
Sandra Swanson said, “Mayor Stewart got us out of deep money situation and if it wasn’t for her where would we be? Thanks Mayor.”
Marcia Pucinski Janusz said she chose Erin Stewart because she’s done more positive things in her first year than Former Mayor Tim O’Brien probably ever thought of!
Peter Ceglarz said Erin Stewart because she’s the best damn mayor this City has seen.
“She has gotten us out a pickle like no other and she is making this city better everyday,” Ceglarz added.
Jacqueline Lux said Mayor Stewart has breathed new life to New Britain and I am feel ing more positive about the future because of her efforts and enthusiasm.”
“I’ll cast a vote for Mayor Erin. New Britain is fortunate to have her,” said Ken Lipshez. “She’ll be governor someday.”
Kris Rutkowski said both Peter Ceglarz and Mayor Stewart have done a great job this year and get his vote.
Christina Ann Rosenblatt agreed and nominated Peter Ceglarz.
“He’s an amazing hardworking man with a good spirit and a love for new Britain,” Rosenblatt said.
But not all candidates had some political connection.
Mark Zenobi said Dan and Arlene Palmer should be persons of the year because of their service to the city whether at the library or serving customers at Leaves and Pages.
“Arlene Palmer and Dan also; more so in recognition of, not so much what they did this year, but cumulatively for their service to NB, not just at L & P, but the library also, and recognizing that they’ve retired and left.,” said Art Helfgott. “Meant an awful lot to NB over their entire careers!”
Helfgott also added another candidate.
“Catherine Cheney is everywhere, involved with everything,” he said.
“Catherine Nyhan Cheney she does so much for the library, schools and for the high school marching band!” said Sarah Adler
“Honestly, I’d find Mr. Paul Baylock to be nominated or even announced New Britain person of the year,” Sam Mariah “Amazing NBHS teacher before retiring & amazing educator in the New Britain Industrial Art Museum.”
Paul Gobell also picked Baylock.
“He has given so much to his students at the high school and the amount of work that he gives to the Art League is incredible” said Gobell.
“I say Amy Kirby. People have a lot of unpleasant things to say about her, and they make a very public display of it, and obviously people weren’t happy about the intellectual property issue surrounding Timeless Tales, but in spite of people being really rude to her, she designed a gorgeous local history curriculum for our young students, organized Heritage Day and wrote such a loving book about the people of this city.,” said Celeste Roche. “I can’t think of anything she has gotten out of her work other than the satisfaction of a job well done.”
Roche also nominated Eric Amodio of Amodio & Co. “because they’ve really been on their hustle, reducing vacancies in Downtown. West Main looks better every time I go outside. Tenants who care about the appearance of their shops are becoming the norm, and that’s what our city deserves.”
“Mark Bernacki - City Clerk, Owns Sir Speedy Printing, Started and oversees “Warm The Children”, which provides warm winter clothing to needy children in New Britain, member of the Kiwanis Club of Middletown and I’m sure he is involved in many more civic activities,” said Mark Romanow.
“I believe that our Chief of Police, James Wardwell, should be considered, for all he did to keep dept. morale up after the terrible injury Officer Brett Morgan sustained; overseeing the Police Academy which added a number of new officers to our streets; and his leadership in solving at least one cold case this year,” said Catherine Cheney.
Michelle Duplin said, “I nominate Officer Brett Morgan for his courage under such a scary ordeal. Went thru hell, but he’s so positive!”
“I award Maria Ortiz as the New Britain person of the year. Maria is a special person. She works at the Spanish speaking center. She is the person that will fill out your paper work when you ether can’t read or don’t understand the language,” said Maricelis Figueroa. “She helps the community by letting people know that there are all kinds of programs for the elderly, like “Dial a ride”. She is that go-to person that if you are looking for resources or help , she will either help or direct you to the right people. And she has been doing this for a long time. Anyone that needs help filling out paper work or applications should go see her. They also have polish interpreters, Maria has been a beacon of light to the polish and Spanish community. She is a real angel among us.”
“Choral director at New Britain High Mr. Brian Germain is one of the most caring, talented, patient and inspirational people I know. He has been the choral director at NBHS for a while now and he is alumni of the band and choir in the class of 93’. He dedicates so much of his time to make us the best choir around,” said Haley Amber Belanger. “I have been a member of the Madrigals/Show Choir for 3 years now and I wouldn’t want it any other way. He has truly taken everyone in any of his choirs under his wing and treated us all like his children. He has truly united everyone as one big family. I think anyone who has worked under the direction of Mr. Brian Germain can agree that he is the man for this award. I think he should definitely be taken into consideration.”
Others nominated included Officer James Russo and Alderman Daniel Salerno.
The winner is announced on page 5.