Editor’s Note 11/28/2014

By at November 28, 2023 | 9:00 am | Print

Ho-ho-ho! Are you ready for the holiday season? I’ve been ready since September.

On Tuesday night be sure to visit the Downtown District “Guida Tree” Lighting. It is so much fun with carols, Santa and the lighting of the tree.

It’s always a highlight of the year and for those who have spirit, it is not to be missed. I will certainly be there no matter how cold or snowy it is.

Last Saturday I dropped off a turkey at the West Side Tavern/Celgarz Automotive Food Drive. A lot of people came by and donated. I want to thank Isaac Silva, Peter Ceglarz and the organizer Miriam Geraci. It is fantastic to have people do things for others. These three have definitely proved how much they care about this City. I even hear a toy drive may be on the way.

On Saturday I also went to the JFK Memorial at Walnut Hill Park for the annual commemoration by the Ancient Order of Hibernians. I have gone for several years now and it truly is a nice event. It is great that there is a group to remember such an important President. Maybe, it’s the Irish in me, but Kennedy has always been someone I admired. See page 3.

It was nice to see the Animal Welfare Commission working as a team. Cats are a very undealt with issue in this City. There are thousands of strays out on the streets. I hope life is made better for them as well as dogs. The “Pets-a-Palooza” event coming this summer looks like a lot of fun. I will certainly bring my dog to the event. We will keep you updated on all the commission’s plan. Read story on page 1.

I want to thank Amy Melissa Kirby from the New Britain Historical Society on the interesting article on New Britain’s first Thanksgiving. I always learn a lot from her columns. See page 3.

Also, do not miss the story on longtime resident Joe Gustin on page 4. It is a special article thanks to Douglas Bray. I just love those kind of stories.

And lastly, do not miss Mayor Erin Stewart’s letter to City Department’s on this page. I am frustrated to see the City still in debt. Let’s hope it is all under control by July 1.

This week’s joke from Facebook.

“The human brain is awesome. It functions 24 hours a day from the day we were born and only stops when we are taking an exam or fall in love.”

Ain’t that the truth?

Until next week, make sure your brain is working properly and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!


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