Editor’s Note 11/21/2014
By Editor at November 21, 2023 | 8:00 am | Print
I read on Facebook someone thanking their family for moving to New Britain rather than Buffalo this week. With all that snow in Buffalo, New Britain certainly does look good right now.
I am not ready for a major snowfall. Flurries are fine, but snow that needs to be shoveled needs to wait until late December or January. Actually, February would be just fine with me.
My favorite part of winter is when it is over. In fact my favorite winter activity is going back in the house to get warm.
Did you see CL&P rates rose about 5 cents a kilowatt for January 2015? SolarCity goes up no more than 2.9 percent a year which is equivalent to less than one cent a killowatt every three years.
Why don’t you have clean energy and help save the earth as well as put more money in your pocket? It’s a no brainer. Call me to set you up a site survey and see if you qualify 860-357-1091. It really is time to go solar.
On Saturday make sure to stop by West Side Tavern between noon and 5 p.m. to donate a turkey or other Thanksgiving or non-perishable foods. Everyone says they want to help the needy. Here is your chance to prove that you truly do. A big thank you goes to Isaac Silva and Peter Ceglarz for taking on this project for our City. Read page 4 for more details.
Sacred Heart will be having a special mass on Saturday to celebrate 120 years as a parish. It is only a preview of what is to come in five years. It is a special event for this amazing church. See story of its history and more on page 2.
New Britain has been named a Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. New Britain has a new vision to make our City unique. We are moving in the right direction. It is ideas like these that keep us going forward. Embrace change. We certainly need it.
Work has begun on the Kensington Orchard Property in Berlin. It looks like a great project. Read more on page 11.
Also of interest this week is recipes for Thanksgiving dinner. I’m sure you’ll find a few new favorites on page 7. Cut them out to prepare your dinner.
Someone emailed me a joke for this week. Here goes.
“Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?
Because the P is silent.”
Do you like that one?
Until next week, find me a good joke and keep reading YOUR #1 Most Trusted New Britain Newspaper!