It’s Great When We All Work Together
By Editor at November 21, 2023 | 8:15 am | Print
This week the State Bond Commission approved $850,000 to help New Britain with taxes involving Costco coming to our City.
Basically, what it means is that $850,000 will not be coming directly out of New Britain’s taxes this year. It gives the City more money to help during this tough financial time.
Republican Mayor Erin Stewart thanked Democratic Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman for her diligence in helping to get these funds for New Britain.
This is what government should always be about. Helping Cities prosper without making it a political game.
Ms. Wyman could have turned her back on New Britain because Mayor Stewart is a Republican. She did not. Ms. Wyman saw that her influence would help make New Britain better.
That is what we need in this state. We need to all work together to do the right thing regardless of political party.
There will be more grants and commission money in our future. Some may go New Britain’s way and some may go against us. But whatever the reasons are, let’s hope they are not political.
Often everyone, including this newspaper, is quick to judge when politicians do something that is not bi-partisan or for the people.
Credit must also be given where credit is due. Ms. Wyman and her boss Gov. Dannel Malloy should be thanked each time they do something for our City.
Whether residents agree with him or not, we need to show we appreciate it when they do the right thing.
Today, New Britain is a bit better off because politicians did just that – the right thing.