As Good As It Gets
By Editor at October 31, 2023 | 9:15 am | Print
Every Election Day everyone gives the same speech about getting out and using your right to vote.
With a few days to go, maybe the best advice is to know what you are voting for before filling in your ballot.
If you have paid any attention at all to local newspapers you know the names on both sides of the aisle. You should know their political parties too. But do you really know if they stand for what you believe?
Gone are the days people vote purely based on how they registered to vote and ink the names right down the line. People are smarter now and know each candidate, regardless of affiliation, does not stand for the same thing.
Before you cast your ballot, decide if you have been happy with things at the state level. If you believe the state is going in the right direction, then endorse those who are incumbents.
If you feel the state has too many taxes and is in a bad place economically then it is time for a change.
In New Britain our incumbents are all Democrats. They are Theresa Gerratana, Peter Tercyak, Rick Lopes and Robert Sanchez.
The Republicans are all pretty much newcomers in Peter Ceglarz, Gennaro Bizzaro and Ed Colon.
The Green Party candidate is Paul Gobell. The write-in candidate running against Mrs. Gerratana is Todd Davis Cheney.
The New Britain City Journal made its endorsements a few weeks ago in Bizzaro, Ceglarz and Colon.
Do you want Connecticut to continue in the same direction or do you want change?
Two years ago after another Democratic sweep in the state legislative race for New Britain, Mr. Sanchez said during his acceptance speech that all Republicans “should go home. No one wants them here.”
Maybe that is true. Maybe he will be able to make the same exclamation again this year. Maybe New Britain does want a one party rule.
Remember, the top New Britain Democratic leader Michael Trueworthy was kept in office by his fellow Democrats after a drunken rampage against Mayor Erin Stewart and a gay business owner. The next Democratic leader has been recommended for removal because she gave her niece (another Gerratana) a job inappropriately.
Yet, residents keep voting the same people into office and hoping for change.
On Nov. 4 please place a smart vote. Only residents have the ability for change. Make your vote matter or accept that what we have now is as good as it gets.